Sunday, April 26, 2009

April Showers bring May flowers!

After two days of rain and storms it better bring something nice. Especially on the weekends, although during the week is not good either. The grass is getting greener (in some peoples' yards) and the trees and flowers are blooming. Yeah! My favorite time of the year.
Daycare has been good! The kids are excited to get outside and run off some kept in (yeah right!) energy. Life is so much better in the spring.
Cohen is doing great! Jenny is waiting the birth of the new little girl in a couple of months and Kelly is in her house. Her and Hailey are very happy there!
Easter was fun. The weather cooperated so we could have our egg hunts outside and the kids really enjoyed themselves. Even the little ones were having a blast finding eggs with candy in them.
Sam's baby brother should be arriving soon and Ethan and Owen are going to be very excited to meet their new brother or sister later this summer.
Alexia and Krystal are done with college for the summer and so their schedules will be a little different. Krystal will be working on Wednesdays and filling in when needed and when she is available. Alexia will be here on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Stacey everyday. We will have to figure out fall schedules soon. (Nope, not going to think about that now, not yet)
May is a pretty busy month, lots of birthdays and special days. Kelly's birthday, Keegan's birthday, Sam's birthday, Stacey's birthday, Big Jordan's birthday, Christopher's birthday, Grace's birthday, Mother's Day, Provider Appreciation Day, Memorial Day., etc.
It was so nice to have Holly visit us and to see Jordyn, Paige, Christopher and Grace, too.
Here are a few random photos to enjoy: Enjoy Spring!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The child in all of us!

Another year of Disney on Ice and this year was fantastic. All the characters were there and I think I enjoyed it as much as any of the kids. The costumes were beautiful and the skating great. It was Jack's 1st time and he was mesmerized by the whole thing. It was precious! I hope all who were there enjoyed it very much! Till next year.....
Baby Cohen is doing much better now after being in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. He is back to smiling and happy baby. Jack had his 2nd birthday, Ella B. had her 3rd birthday. Ella T. turned 4 and went to Disney on Ice with her family and Keegan, Maddy, etc. the day before we went. Maddy has moved to Florida and we will miss them.

Time change this weekend, I hate losing an hour on the weekend! Oh well, I will trade that for spring!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter blahs

Is anyone else sick of snow and cold? I know I am and the kids can't even get out because it has been so cold!! It was nice to have pajama day on Monday.

We are looking forward to going to Disney on Ice at the end of February. That will be exciting!
Ella B's 3rd Birthday was yesterday and she is having a "princess party" at her house with family this weekend. She brought some yummy ice cream cone snacks to share.

Ella T. is counting down the days until her 4th birthday and no top on her cups. That is such a big deal!

Taylor is back full-time now and adjusting. Sam is down to 2 days a week for a while as his mom's hours were cut. Hopefully only temporarily. Sam has a new brother on the way in May.

I have joined Facebook and that can be pretty addicting but I have found a lot of older daycare kids and oh my gosh, how times change. They are so grown up (some things about that I like and other things I don't). Oh well, that is life. It is very nice to be in contact and see how their lives are going. There have been a lot of people (kids and adults) whom have come and gone from here. Some leave a lasting impression for a lifetime and some adults become friends forever.

Okay, enough of that. Stay warm! Pray for early spring!