Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter blahs

Is anyone else sick of snow and cold? I know I am and the kids can't even get out because it has been so cold!! It was nice to have pajama day on Monday.

We are looking forward to going to Disney on Ice at the end of February. That will be exciting!
Ella B's 3rd Birthday was yesterday and she is having a "princess party" at her house with family this weekend. She brought some yummy ice cream cone snacks to share.

Ella T. is counting down the days until her 4th birthday and no top on her cups. That is such a big deal!

Taylor is back full-time now and adjusting. Sam is down to 2 days a week for a while as his mom's hours were cut. Hopefully only temporarily. Sam has a new brother on the way in May.

I have joined Facebook and that can be pretty addicting but I have found a lot of older daycare kids and oh my gosh, how times change. They are so grown up (some things about that I like and other things I don't). Oh well, that is life. It is very nice to be in contact and see how their lives are going. There have been a lot of people (kids and adults) whom have come and gone from here. Some leave a lasting impression for a lifetime and some adults become friends forever.

Okay, enough of that. Stay warm! Pray for early spring!